State Rep. David Tyson Smith of Columbia is demanding Congressman Mark Alford apologize to Smith's legislative assistant after Alford's staff attempted to harass and bully them.
As Missourians come to terms with Alford's abandonment of his party's campaign promise to lower prices, they inevitably feel frustrated and betrayed. As many of those angry calls began coming in to state legislative offices, they have been naturally referred to the relevant congressional delegate.
Bottomline, if Congressman Alford doesn't like getting calls from his constituents with their concerns, it would behoove him to resign because, as an elected representative of the people, it's nominally his main responsibility.
"We have an overlapping district, and we share constituents," Smith wrote in his letter to Alford. "These constituents are hurting, scared and yes, angry over President Trump’s and Elon Musk’s federal policies. You should have seen the face of the VA employee who met with me in my office terrified of losing her job. I have never witnessed a constituent with that degree of terror and desperation on her face."
In addition to an apology to his legislative assistant, Smith made one other demand of Alford in the letter.
"I want you to face your constituents," Smith wrote. "Your constituents need to be heard, and they want solutions. If you would prefer, I can arrange for several constituents to come to my office, and we can meet them together. Please let me know your availability. I look forward to hearing from you."
Read the full letter here or below.
