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MLBC Chair: Jones, Pearson victims of ‘staggering abuse of power’

State Rep. Marlene Terry (House Communications/Tim Bommel)

“Yesterday, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson conducted themselves as true gentlemen and statesmen in the face of political retribution, oppression and a staggering abuse of power. We should all take heart from their courage. Conversely, the Tennessee House Republicans acted dishonestly and dishonorably in expelling them and revoking the right of representation from tens of thousands of Tennessee citizens. While Jones and Pearson broke rules, the severity of their punishment far exceeds the crime.


“We also cannot ignore that state Rep. Gloria Johnson, a white woman, also participated in the protest alongside Jones and Pearson, but was not expelled from the body, a fact even she was quick to recognize. When we Black leaders and representatives of the people and our allies speak of unequal treatment and discrimination based on race in this country, one must look no further than Tennessee to read just the latest sentence in that much, much larger story.”


State Rep. Marlene Terry

D-St. Louis

Missouri Legislative Black Caucus Chair



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